Nubia Z11 拍照教学—克隆Clone Camera


n  克隆Clone Camera

克隆功能是通过连拍Clone Camera allows you to clone the moving person or object

将移动的人、物克隆在同一个场景中into the same scene through continuous shooting.

是一款极具趣味的拍摄模式It is a very interesting shooting mode.

拍摄时保持背景一致Keep the same background during shooting

然后选取克隆模式拍摄多张照片and then select Clone Camera to shoot multiple photos

nubia手机会自动识别移动的主体并进行配准合成Your Nubia Phone will automatically recognize the moving subject and perform image of registration and combination

拍摄完成后可使用编辑对画面进行修改Click Edit to modify your photo after shooting

点击画笔涂抹需要克隆的部分Click Brush to smear on the part you want to clone

再通过橡皮擦调整克隆区域Use the rubber to adjust the cloning area

修改完成后点击预览可查看合成效果Click Preview to view the combining effect after editing.

就这样一张逗趣的克隆照片完成了In this way, such a funny clone photo is created!

还等什么,赶快使用nubia手机 What are you waiting for? Go use your Nubia Phone

来创作各种充满创意的克隆作品吧to create all kind of innovative clone photos.

